Monday, April 13, 2009

Module Three

HTML tags : web standards : ftp : blogs : web2.0

Having completed NED11 last study period this section of the module was a basic recap for me. I found the process of creating small images and linking them to a larger version of the same image very useful I do think this will come in very handy in the future.

I found that CSS is quite a powerful tool when building a site with many pages that require the same look.

HTML is great if you require a page that is unique and you are either advertising a product or service. Blogging on the other hand is perfect for publishing a study log for instance.

It's hard to say that HTML is better than Blogging and vise verse because I believe they both play a role in creating a web with rich diversity.

After doing all of the exercises for HTML I proceeded to get inspired so I created a web site for my casual occupation as an Antenna & Audio Visual Installation guy the site is any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I ran the site through W3C validation and there were 43 errors found. Most of the errors were typing mistakes but there were few mistakes in the coding. The Validator is an important tool as it helps you learn from your mistakes.

I did feel a sense of achievement after completing the site, the FTP process is very strait forward using Fetch and it feels good once the site is up and running.


In your learning log, record your thoughts. Consider various uses for blogs such as citizen journalism and personal blogging. Have you seen in your net travels any interesting uses for blogs? This blog entry is an opportunity to tell us what you really think of blogging!

In Net12 this week our topic is politics, there has been some great examples of using blogging in a political sense.
Gauravonmics Blog
Provides us with a great use of political non biased public reporting on political issues.
Blogging is a perfect platform for citizen journalism the use of blogging in Iraq to tell the truth about atrocities committed by American military gives people back a voice in an otherwise censored environment were in Australia we are being lied to by mainstream media on a day to day basis.Sites such as Camera/Iraq is a great example.

Web 2.0

Now you've read about Web 2.0 what applications or "services" do you think are web 2.0 indicative?

Take a look at the Internet Communications furl list we have set up for you as a bookmark site - compared to a html version think about the format and usability of a website/html written list with this same information.
whats the difference between the two? what are the benefits? which format do you think you would like better and why?

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